Monday, June 3, 2013

Molly Molone's

Type: Bar and Restaurant

Name: Molly Molone's

My experience: 
The first time we ate there, it was Valentines day, and Byron wanted to take me out to a nice breakfast, and that’s what it ended up being. It was a nice vibe, Irish themed with a mix of Caribbean (so they had a unique style), located in Red Hook. There were shamrocks and fish nets hanging on the walls, two things you think would clash, but they set them up nicely together where you wouldn’t even think about questioning it. The service was great, our waitresses every time were very sweet, and the food was delicious. I’ve never had anything besides their breakfast, but I can tell you that their breakfast is definitely amazing. It’s a good place to take the kids, or come with a group of your friends and has a mix between locals and tourists. In the end, if you want a good breakfast in St.thomas, you shouldn’t skip Molly Molone’s!

Molly Molone’s is MOST compatible with:
-The Family
-The Relaxed
-The Honeymooners

Molly Molone’s is NOT compatible with: 
-The Professional
-The Introvert

The price range of Molly Molone’s is in the Goldy Locks Zone

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For more information please visit

Please feel free to leave a comment for any questions, concerns or to share your own experience! 


  1. Fun thing about Molly Molone's...OWNED BY PHILADELPHIA SPORTS FANS. They always have whatever Philly sports team playing on the TV.

    1. Thats awesome! I didn't know that, thank you for the information Ashley =]
