Saturday, June 8, 2013

Shipwreck Tavern

Type: Bar and Restaurant 

Name: Shipwreck Tavern 

My experience: 
This is one of the first places Byron and I went out to eat on the island. It is in a good location, in Haven Sight, and it also is perfect for people who love pirates, drinks, and sports. The decor has mannequin pirates (which scare the living hell out of you when you’re least expecting it and you WILL think they are real), the tables have sand and gold varnished into them, and tons of other nautical themed items scattered throughout. Along side all of that, there are NFL football flags lining the walls as well, and huge TVs hanging on every wall space that is available. They tend to play sports, and not all the TVs are on the same channel; some play the news (which I like). The first time we went, we went with a group of friends, and being the 19 year old that I was at the time (legal to drink for the first time), I ordered 2 frozen drinks and 2 “skittle shots”. They weren’t that strong, but they sure were tasty, and I had a good buzz for that nights volleyball game. Anyway, the next time we came, we were officially living on the island, and this time, I wanted to eat and not drink. I had a grilled chicken (like usual) and it was very good and filled me up to the point where we were ready to go home and collapse into a food coma (and that’s what I wanted). Recently we went there again with our friend Alyssa. It was a Sunday night, typically would be a slow night, but there was a huge stateside corporate group that decided it would be a good night to dine with pirates and sports. Our poor waitress was working her butt off to serve all the unexpected guests (obviously they weren’t going to have a lot of people working a Sunday night, so they were a little understaffed), but she apologized and stayed professional, which I give her a lot of props for (and tips)! Also, they recently switched management, so they have a whole new look to the menu, but have everyone’s favorite dishes. All in all, I’ve always had a good time there, it’s a silly/fun atmosphere and a good place to go with a few friends that isn’t too expensive. 

Shipwreck Tavern is MOST compatible with:
-The Professional (They were able to cater to the corporate group and did a great job)
-The Social Butterfly
-The Stereotypical Tourist 
-The Family

Shipwreck Tavern is NOT compatible with: 
-The Introvert
-The Relaxed
-The Cultural (it reminds me a lot of a stateside bar, with lots of pirates)

The price range of Shipwreck Tavern is in the Goldy Locks Zone

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Please feel free to leave a comment for any questions, concerns or to share your own experience! 

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