Sunday, June 2, 2013


Type: Bar and Restaurant

Name: Iggies

My experience: 
Byron recently got a new job as the beach manager at Bolongo Bay Beach Resort. On this resort, there is a restaurant called Iggies and neither of us have eaten there. We have been in the area a few times because they hold mini sporting events for locals to sign up for and do some friendly competition (dodge ball, volleyball, softball, etc). We first show up and it is right up against the beach, a lovely view, and the place was full of a mix between tourists and locals. The vibe was nice, nothing fancy, but had a bit of a  rugged pirate look to it with an elegant twist. Anyway, we tried a few of the drinks, we had people buying us drinks, so we had a bit more than we usually do. The drinks I had were well done and tasty. They also filled me up so I wasn’t terribly hungry when my meal got out to me. The food was decent, not the best I’ve had on the island, but it sure did hit the spot. It seemed like a little community there, a lot of people knew each other from staying at the resort, or the locals picked this place as their hang out, but it was nice to see a lot of people talking to everyone around them, and not sticking with just their table. Over all it was a good experience and I definitely see myself going there again in the future. 

Iggies most compatible with:
-The Social Butterfly
-The Wild Child
-The The Stereotypical Tourist

Iggies least compatible with: 
-The Relaxed
-The Introvert  
-The Professional 

The price range of Iggies is in the Goldy Locks Zone

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Please feel free to leave a comment for any questions, concerns or to share your own experience! 

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