Byron and I only went to Barefoot Buddha in the first place because Dog House Pub wasn’t serving food, and frankly I wanted food, not drinks. It was in the late afternoon and I was starving and I didn’t want to go to Hooters, or the McDonalds that’s slower than molasses in January (as my parents would describe it), so we figured we’d check out this Barefoot Buddha place. As you’re walking in, you seem to have left St.Thomas and entered new world filled of incense, tea, peace, love and tranquility. People were there alone, with their lap tops and tea, some couples, and some with friends, really people of all shapes, sizes and ages. It had this really peaceful vibe, some might describe it as a “hippy” place, but really it is one of the few places I’d feel comfortable going to alone and enjoying some peace and quiet in St.Thomas. When you approach the counter, you see a shop to your right. It is stocked with pretty dresses, purses, and little nicknacks. I didn’t have the time to go through and look at it all, but I’m sure if I did, I’d want to leave with half the store. There were colorful wallets with elephants on it, owls.... alright I’m getting carried away. I proceed to order, still nervous, not knowing if I’d even like the food or not and kept my eyes away from the shop. We sat and waited for our food, and as I sat and contemplated if I wanted to try some of their delicious sounding tea, but I got my order of food before I made up my mind and when I started to chow down, I completely lost my train of thought. The wraps were green and the food tasted so natural! I never had such a delicious wrap in my whole life. It was jam packed with flavor and I didn’t care who was in the room, I ate that thing like a dog who got into the butter and had to finish it before it’s owners took it away. Ok, sorry for getting so descriptive, but this place really surprised me. I believe if you want a little break from all the Caribbean and need a place to relax, this place should be at the top of your list.
-The Hipster
-The Relaxed
-The Adventurer
-The Introvert
-The Wild Child
-The Stereotypical Tourist
-The Cultural
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